Women’s Equality Day Trivia Night

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August 26, known as Women’s Equality Day, marks the anniversary of the certification of the 19th amendment, which granted some women the right to vote. Black, brown, and Asian communities continued to fight for their right to vote. So when we review history and acknowledge women’s equality today we need to make sure that we fight for all women and that all women have a seat at the table. 💪💪🏾💪🏿💪🏼✨⭐️🗳

Yet in 2022, women have fewer rights than they’ve had in decades. This year, we’re acknowledging Women’s Equality Day, uniting to demand that lawmakers restore and protect our rights by:
Passing voting rights legislation;
Adding the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution; and Restoring reproductive rights to women and those who can become pregnant.

Join the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County and the Young Leaguers for a virtual night of trivia fun in honor of Women’s Equality Day! There will be prizes for winners! Make sure to preregister at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84329153864?pwd=ZDZLRmNvTlZXeXozVFE0OWVLWlpaUT09

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