Toy Give Away

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From the Desk of Don Bobo creator of “HSKG… we’re locking arms and making kids smile for the Holidays! Here are the details on how you can join us or contact Don Bobo for more details! We don’t give because we have so much, we give because we know what it’s like to be without!
FUNDRAISER‼️ FB, I need your help.
Every year, my clothing brand “HSKG”, along with Friends like yourself are giving back by donating to our Fundraiser to help purchase new Toys & Bikes for local kids in the community. We will also be giving away Free Haircuts by Rob J. Robertson Sr. And the Level Up Barbers, Food & Music provided by Brandon Ivery for the Holidays in Greenville, SC at the Pleasant Valley Connection, Inc.. There are so many kids that will not have the opportunity to enjoy Christmas this year, so It is important to give back when we can. This is why we need your help! If you can, We really would appreciate your donation this year? Every amount goes a long way! Thank You.
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