Taste of the Tropics Plant & Gift Sale

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Please join us at the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens on Saturday – June 12th, 2021 for our annual plant and craft sale featuring a Taste of the Tropics. The plant sale will begin at 8:30am and run through 2pm. In cooperation with the Treasure Coast Rare Fruit Club, the Taste of the Tropics Plant Sale will feature our beautiful Botanical Gardens where you can explore the wonderful world of tropical fruits available on the Treasure Coast and join in tasting Tropical Fruit
grown locally.
Additionally, there is free parking and no admission. Tour the Botanical Gardens while you explore the wonderful world of tropical fruits available on the Treasure Coast. We’ll have annuals, perennials, Florida-friendly plants, Garden Art, Crafts and More. Fruit trees and shrubs, Native plants, Orchids and exotics, all things Tropical. Browse our Gift Shop & Propagation Garden Center for member Specials. Find what you need to make your Garden grow and sparkle, and talk with the experts.

Interested in becoming a Vendor, click the link to sign up: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg…

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