Step Into Your Leadership Style!

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Thursday, 29 April 2021 4:30 pm EST
‘Step into Your Leadership Style’ FREE webinar!
Learn the ‘secret sauce’ to having total clarify about what is missing in your wardrobe.
You walk away with the basic tools that will give a Commanding Presence, on or offline.
Join me as I share my extensive knowledge and insight that will have you stepping into YOUR unique leadership style, even if you’re a ‘Fashionista’!
You will begin to Discover, Develop and Design the best STYLES that fit your lifestyle.
Learn how to apply the ‘Joy Code’ and see your confidence soar (like an eagle!)

ps/ as a Leading Lady, you are welcome to join us over at Leading Ladies Leaving Legacies anytime.
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#womenintheworld #femaleentrepreneur #storiesforbusiness #savvybusinessowner
#empoweringwomen #empoweredwomen #savvywomen

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