We cordially invite you to the State People Assembly on May 25, 2023, at 6:30 PM. As you are well aware, we have just come out of a difficult legislative session, and the fight for our rights is far from over. Our communities are at stake, and it is imperative that we hold our elected officials accountable for their votes during the session.
We need to come together and take action to ensure that our voices are heard, and our rights are protected. This assembly will serve as a platform to discuss the next steps in our fight for justice and equality. We believe that you will be a valuable addition to this important gathering.
So don’t wait any longer; register TODAY and join us in this crucial movement for our freedom and rights.
Remember, Freedom lives in you! Stay F.L.Y!
Thank you.
In Power,
Serena Perez
Membership Director, @FLRising