Soirée For Seagrass

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Friends of Manatee Lagoon is excited to announce the date for our 2023



Join us along the beautiful waterfront at Manatee Lagoon for an evening of Seagrass Spritzers, gourmet light bites, live music, and a silent auction. Our second annual fundraising event is to continue raising awareness about the loss of seagrass – manatees’ primary food source – and what we can all do to help.

We encourage you to support our mission to fund inspiring exhibits, educational programs, and marine conservation efforts that inform the community about the challenges manatees encounter in Florida. Manatees need our help, and together we can work toward cleaner water, safer boating practices, and becoming active stewards of our fragile environment.


Tickets will go on sale 
September 1, 2023 on our website:

Sponsorships are available now
Contact Anne Messer at (561) 322-8857 or

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