Say No To The New Jim Crow

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Join the September 13th demonstration at Miami City Hall to rally against the City of Miami’s plan to create a “tiny homes” homeless camp on the Virginia Key island. Deporting Miami’s mostly-Black houseless population to an isolated camp next to toxic sewage plant is a racist and futile attempt to sweep local homelessness under the rug.

Any Miami City-sponsored homeless encampment would be a waste of dollars that could otherwise go towards Housing First programs that offer permanent supportive housing to end homelessness.

A broad coalition of social justice and civil rights organizations are in opposition to this plan!

Additional context:
Although media reports that Miami Mayor Suarez and City Commissioner Carollo reached a back-room deal to delay this plan by six months, the plan is not dead and could instead be relocated to a different site in a neighborhood with even less political power and opposition.
Please save the date, September 13th, to rally and protest at Miami City Hall.

#MeanMiami #StopTheSweeps

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