Lauderhill Mall Citizenship Drive

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Lauderhill Mall Citizenship Drive lawyers and immigration professionals will help to prepare your citizenship application

Our affiliates: Jamaican American Bar Association, Tj Reddick Bar, Caribbean Bar Association, Haitian Lawyers Association & FLIC

Meet these requirements:
reside in the United States as a permanent resident for 5 years (3 years if living with and married to the same US citizen)
Be at least 18 years old
Physically present in the US for half the 5 (or 3) year period

Home adresses for the last 5. or 3 years
Recent tax returns/ W2s/ 2months paystubGreencard and all passports
ID and social security cards
School/ Employment history for the last 5 or 3 years
Childrens information (date of birth)
Martial History/ Criminal history

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