Grand Re Opening

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In celebration of #NationalBlackBusinessMonth, your invited to the

Grand Re-Opening of the Black Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County.

Join BCCPBC as we cut the ribbon and bring in the new season of successful black-owned and minority businesses.

The BCCPBC would like to honor this special month by hosting our members and providing access for a limited number of them the opportunity to be a vendor and showcase their business. All members in attendance will have the chance to share with the group a brief introduction about their business. The highlight of the evening will truly be the occasion to network with like-minded business professionals and to hear from BCCPBC President and Committee Chairs.

Save The Date – Thursday, August 11, 2022 (6 PM-8 PM), and stay tuned for details to follow. Lite bites and refreshments will be served.

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