Black Women In History And Struggle

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Join a conversation with the authors of two new books about Black women in U.S. history.

Scholarship on Black women’s histories is transforming our understanding of U.S. political, social, and economic development. New researchers are writing Black women back into narratives where they have been erased. When Black women such as Rosa Parks have been lifted up, our understanding of their real ideas and contributions has too often been shallow. Join this conversation to uncover the long history of Black women in U.S. history, and a deeper understanding of one of the most celebrated Black American women, Rosa Parks.

The discussion features authors Daina Ramey Berry and Kali N. Gross (A Black Women’s History of the United States) and Jeanne Theoharis (The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks, Young Readers Edition).

The talk is part of the Schomburg Center’s Conversations in Black Freedom Studies series.

Copies of all books will be available at The Schomburg Shop.

This program will be streamed on Zoom. You must register with your email address in order to receive the link to participate. Please check your email shortly before the discussion to receive the link.

PRESS | Please send all press inquiries (photo, video, interviews, audio-recording, etc) at least 24-hours before the day of the program to Christina Santi at

Conversations in Black Freedom Studies is supported in part by the Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation.

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