Shine & Dine

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Join us for our 2nd Annual Signature Event: Shine + Dine is the Education Equity Gala of Palm Beach County!

An evening of thoughtful conversation, community connection, and opportunity awaits. At Path to College, we are building tomorrow’s leaders today. And along with academic rigor, we provide the soft skills vital to obtaining and retaining a successful professional life.

Shine & Dine is your company’s chance to support these efforts!

You are invited to join our bright and talented high school student fellows for a business professional dinner. Your corporate sponsorship will underwrite this event and showcase your support for educational equity. Interested in becoming an event sponsor for Shine + Dine? Email our Director of Development, Mary Beth Mudrick, today!

Shine + Dine: The Education Equity Gala of Palm Beach County

Venue: The Fall’s Club of the Palm Beaches | 6455 Jog Road in Lake Worth

Keynote Speaker: To Be Announced!

Date: Thursday, January 19th, 2023

6pm Networking, live entertainment, and hors d’oeuvres

7pm Formal dinner, keynote address with TBA, and live raffle!

All tickets include event entry and a 4-course dinner. A luxurious raffle prize is available to win with your additional donation! Path to College Fellowship is a local 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization that fearlessly clears the path for overlooked students to get into the best colleges with the best scholarships.

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