Heart of the Matter: Mental Health During the Pandemic & Beyond

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Join us for an important discussion on mental health & trauma-informed care during the pandemic and beyond. Register here ➡️ https://unitedwaypbc.org/event/hotm-may/
Local nonprofit and community leaders will be having a virtual conversation about the mental health landscape in PBC and the impact of the pandemic and recent social and racial unrest on our community’s well-being. Panelists will discuss various types of trauma, how to foster resiliency skills, and local behavioral health initiatives and resources for adults, youth, families, veterans, and businesses.
United Way of PBC is continuing its virtual community conversation series called Heart of the Matter. Each conversation will focus on a relevant, timely topic and engage an expert panel of local and regional nonprofit and community leaders who will speak to the current state of needs in our community like food insecurity, housing support, access to medical care, education, mentorship, and more. Hear from diverse perspectives on challenges, collaborations, and ways you can get involved.

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